Location Logger - 1 year

Price: 99.99 USD
1 year of free updates

A Joomla 4.x and 5.x component that provides comprehensive statistics and customizable notifications for logging the locations of customers visiting your store.

Introducing the Location Logger Component for Joomla - an advanced solution designed to enhance your online store's analytics capabilities. This Joomla component goes beyond traditional tracking methods by offering comprehensive statistics and customizable notifications, allowing you to gain valuable insights into the geographical locations of customers who visit your online store. Stay ahead of the competition and elevate your online presence with this indispensable tool for Joomla users.

The Location Logger Component allows:

    • Real-time location logging
    • GDPR customization to meet privacy laws globally.
    • Comprehensive customer statistics by country, city, province / state
    • Customizable notification system - Set notifications based on location, or by overall visits on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis.
    • Geographical insights for marketing
    • User-friendly interface
    • Joomla 4.x and 5.x compatibility
    • See pins on a map of all visits based on geolocation
    • ++ and much more!

** For this component, a Google Maps API or Open Geo API is required for functionality.

WyldCode’s modules are always made with love, and our customer service is always available to assist with configuration. Come try out this module and make it an addition to your website today.

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